Who we are?
The Foundation for International Education (FIE) is a Polish public non-profit organization founded in 1998.
The most important statutory goals of FIE are intercultural education and supporting talents. The Foundation pursues its goals by running bilingual and international schools, the ATUT Bilingual Primary School and International High School of Wrocław, as well as Wroclaw International School, and by implementing programs supporting talented youth from the Lower Silesia region.

If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.
John Dewey ”Democracy and Education”, 1916.
The words of John Dewey, an outstanding American educator, philosopher and educational reformer, have accompanied us as a motto since the beginning of existence fo the Foundation of International Education. Intercultural education and supporting talents are our primary tasks.

(in Polish)

Drzwi Otwarte w liceum FEM

Wyniki XXIV Konkursu Stypendialnego “zDolny Śląsk”

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More about FIE

History and achievements
FIE was established on September 1, 1998 on the initiative of Wrocław consulates, enterprises and associations. The establishment of the Foundation was supported by the authorities of Wrocław.

Intercultural education and supporting talents are the primary goals of the Foundation for International Education.

Structures and authorities
The Foundation for International Education is headed by the Foundation’s Council. The daily activities of FIE are managed by the Board of Directors. Click to see the full structure.

The Statute defines the basic goals, directions and principles of the Foundation for International Education.

As required by law, we publish all our financial statements here.

We are proud of young people whom we support in developing their talents. Get to know the profiles of selected FIE scholarship recipients.
Our campus
Center of International Education
Our facility at Racławicka Street 101 in Wrocław is considered one of the most modern educational facilities in the country. It is the seat of the Foundation and the schools run by FIE. In 2017, it was awarded in the “Piękny Wrocław” architectural competition in the category of public buildings.