This year is the 10-year anniversary of WIS Wolves Basketball. What great timing with the new campus and gym! From March 23-25 we organized the WIS Wolves Alumni Event to celebrate this occasion with 19 former Wolves basketball players returning to Wroclaw from all over the world to participate. While most of the activities were for the Alumni, all of the activities on Saturday March 25 were for the whole school community.
This was a very special event, including Boys and Girls MYP Teams Matches, High School Team Match, Mini Wolves Match and finally a great Alumni Match.
Dear Alumni, dear current Wolves, it was a real pleasure to welcome all of you. Thank you for coming and enjoying WIS Basketball tradition together!
Our special thanks go to Mr. Stephen Curry, former WIS teacher, who has voluntary designed a WIS Wolves logo and all its variations. On the 25th of March during the opening ceremony of WIS Alumni Event we unveiled together a big emblem with the logo, which is a permanent decoration of our gym now.
Mr. Nathan Cooper, WIS Wolves Coordinator and organizational team