On November 18-19, we hosted the PAAC Volleyball Tournament. PAAC (Polish Athletic and Activities Conference) is an association founded on the initiative of representatives of international schools in Poland, co-founded by the schools of Fundacja Edukacji Międzynarodowej – Foundation of International Education and its Wolves Athletics. The mission of PAAC is to enable students of international schools to participate in sports competitions of various disciplines and in non-sports events.
The matches were played for two days and nearly 100 players took part in them. It is a great joy that our High School Boys team was the winner of the tournament, and our High School Girls team won third place! Congratulations to the players and coaches!
The volleyball tournament is the second PAAC sports event in Wrocław, after the October cross-country runs.
We would like to thank Sportgame (a local sport TV channel) editorial office for the coverage of the PAAC tournament!
We would alos like to say “Thank you!” to everyone who helped with ‘Wolf Bites buffet’ (donating food, helping to sell and buying) and our amazing PTA, who organized it. We raised almost 600 PLN for Wiosna Orphanage in Krzydlina Mała.
GO Wolves!